
Doward K. Harvin

ATTORNEY DOWARD KEITH HARVIN, was born and raised in Williamsburg County, South Carolina. He matriculated through the grand halls of Battery Park Elementary School and Hemingway High School. As a student, Attorney Harvin participated in several academic and athletic programs. Upon graduation from Hemingway High in 2001, he was named a Governor’s Scholar, SCANA Scholar, and a Presidential Scholar at South Carolina State University.

In 2004, he received his Bachelor of Science Degree in Business Management from South Carolina State University and then went on to receive his Juris Doctor degree from the University of South Carolina School of Law in 2008. After being licensed by the South Carolina Bar Association, Attorney Harvin worked as a Hearing Officer where he analyzed evidence and made decisions for over 1,000 hearings for the State of South Carolina. In 2011, Attorney Harvin opened his own law office where he represents citizens injured in car accidents, citizens that are wrongfully arrested or abused by law enforcement, and citizens harmed by the actions of corporations. In addition, he has worked as a Public Defender in Williamsburg County. In 2021, Attorney Harvin joined the Sabb Law Group and works primarily on litigating civil cases related to car accidents, wrongful deaths, and other personal injury matters. 

Achievements and Service

Over the last few years, Attorney Harvin has been honored as an Upward Bound TRIO Achiever, an Image Award Winner by the Williamsburg County Hometown Chamber, a Clyburn Political Fellow, and a Humanitarian of the Year. Most recently, he was honored as “40 Under 40” award recipient by South Carolina State University for being a young alum who has made significant strides in his career, contributions to his community and has had an impact at the university. In addition, he was recently honored by the South Carolina Bar Association during their 2021 Black History Month tributes. He has proudly served as a Member of the South Carolina State University Board of Trustees, a member of the House of Delegates for the South Carolina Bar, a member of the Diversity Committee for the South Carolina Bar Association, a member of the Diversity Plan Implementation Committee for the South Carolina Bar Association, a member of the South Carolina Bar Association’s Leadership Academy Class of 2020, an ordained lay speaker for Mt. Carmel UME Church and a member of the NAACP. 

Most recently, Attorney Harvin was nominated and appointed to serve on SC Bar Association’s House of Delegates and Board of Governors. 

Community Involvement  

  • 10 years of Sponsoring roads in Williamsburg County for the Adopt a Highway program
  • Volunteered as an Assistant High School Basketball Coach, One State Championship, Three Conference Championships
  • Adjunct Professor at Williamsburg Technical College, “State and Local Government”
  • Member of the Lion’s Club
  • Hemingway Middle School Mock Trial Coach, Volunteer
  • Hemingway High School Mock Trial Coach, Volunteer
  • SC Bar Middle School Mock Trial Judge, Volunteer
  • Virtual Mentorship Program
  • Virtual Book Club
  • Member of the United Negro College Fund Pee Dee Area Leadership Council
  • “Wills and Estates” Seminar at Friendship United Methodist Church
  • “Protect Our Youth” Panel Discussion at Richland Northeast High School
  • Sponsored “Food Drive” competitions at Fairfield Middle School
  • Created the “Enoch and Rosa Mcfadden Fellowship and Scholarship” program that awards a scholarship and internship with The Law Office of Doward Harvin.
  • Anderson Primary School’s Speech Competition Judge, Volunteer
  • Upward Bound’s Pageant Judge, Volunteer
  • “Wills and Estates” Seminar at Cornerstone Community Church
  • “Wills and Estates” Seminar at Chavis One Stop Community Center
  • “Sexting and Cyberbullying” Seminar at Williamsburg Technical College
  • “Sexting and Cyberbullying” Seminar at Carvers Bay Middle School
  • “Sexting and Cyberbullying” Seminar at Hemingway Middle School
  • “Entitled to Your Rights” Panel Discussion at Coastal Carolina University
  • “Crime and Consequences” Panel Discussion at Hemingway High School

Camp Lejeune
Water Contamination

If you or a loved one spent time at the Camp Lejeune U.S. Marine Corps Base, you may be entitled to compensation due to water contamination.